Falling bullet injures girl during Independence Day celebration

A 9 millimeter bullet (Photo by William Hook)
FRESNO – Police officials are currently investigating an 11-year-old girl’s collarbone injury sustained during a southeast Fresno Fourth of July celebration.
The incident occurred on the 4500 block of East Grove Avenue between the cross streets of Cedar and Church avenues. Family and friends of the injured girl originally told authorities that she had been hit by falling firework debris.
However, doctors at Children’s Hospital discovered that the cut on her collarbone was actually a bullet wound from a small caliber handgun, which was seemingly fired off in celebration of the nation’s holiday late Monday night.
Investigators are currently unsure where the shot originated from. It is being speculated by investigators that the round could have come from several blocks away from the East Grove residence. Police detectives are currently scouring nearby streets for any clues or tips that might lead them to the person who fired off the round into the air.
If the suspect is found, a charge of negligent discharge of a firearm causing injury is what that person could be facing.
Lt. Burke Farrah noted that firing shots into the air is not only reckless, but illegal as well.
“We don’t believe that this was an intentional act, but it’s clearly a stupid act,” Farrah said. “The law prohibits people doing stupid things that cause injury to other people.”
The injury suffered by the girl was non-life threatening, Farrah confirmed, though the victim did complain of pain from the wound.