Transient arrested for assault
San Luis Obispo police officers arrested a transient Monday afternoon for assault after the suspect allegedly hit two victims.

Roy Jones arrested for multiple assaults
Police say 14-year-old female was sitting on a city bench near the Downtown Center, located at the 800 block of Marsh, using her cellular phone around 12:30 p.m.
While the female was on the phone, the suspect, Roy Jones, 69, of San Luis Obispo walked up and started to yell and scream at her for no apparent reason. The female stated Jones appeared to be a transient. Joseph Shepard, 58, of Avila Beach saw Jones accosting her and went to her aid. Police say Shepard thought Jones was going to hit the young female and stepped between them. At that time, Jones diverted his anger toward Shepard and punched him once in the face, according to SLOPD.
Another person in the area, Michael Flores, 48, of San Luis Obispo saw the assault and stepped in to assist Shepard. Jones then punched Flores in the chest one time. Police say a security guard was alerted to the incident and detained Jones until the police arrived.
Both of the victims were not injured but chose to press charges on Jones. Jones was arrested for battery to both of the victims. He was booked into county jail and is being held on $2,000 bail.
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edhat: Man Arrested After assault Near Downtown Center