April 18 – Santa Barbara
911 Emergency calls on the night of April 13th brought Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s response to a Goleta apartment where deputies discovered three victims of a violent knife attack. Among the victims were Heidi Hubrecht, a 23 year-old recent UCSB graduate, and Luis DeDios, 23, a current student at Santa Barbara City College.
Facebook image of the victim, Heidi Hubrecht
Both had suffered multiple stab wounds and were pronounced dead at the scene. The third victim, identified by Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Public Information Officer Drew Sugars only as “one of the female victim’s roommates”, suffered multiple knife wounds, but is expected to survive. Another roommate who was apparently asleep at the time of the attacks, and only awakened with the arrival of deputies to the bloody murder scene, was uninjured.
According to Sugars, DeDios, who had threatened suicide on prior occasions, had dated Hubrecht for over a year. The relationship had ended at the insistence of Hubrecht. Sugars reported that DeDios gained access to Hubrecht’s apartment and “was lying in wait with a hunting knife”. When Hubrecht and her roommate came home and entered the residence, DeDios commenced his attack.
Shortly thereafter, “the suspect turned the knife on himself and inflicted multiple lacerations on himself,” Sugars reported to the media. “Everything happened pretty quickly,” he said.
Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Forensic Teams spent nearly ten hours conducting investigation of the scene before releasing the bodies of DeDios and Hubrecht to the Coroner’s Bureau. “Autopsies will determine cause of death,” Sugars said, “although there were numerous severe knife wounds.”
Photos: Courtesy Facebook.com
Read more:
Noozhawk: Authorities Identify Victims of Apparent Murder-Suicide Near Goleta
Daily Nexus: UCSB Alumna Dies in Violent Stabbing
ksby.com: Sheriff’s Dept. identifies man and woman in Goleta murder-suicide