Pedal-to-the-metal Chase Ends with K-9 Bust
May 17 – Oxnard
Donald Reyes, 44, an “undergraduate” of the Post Release Offender (PRO) program in which State Assembly Bill 109 provides for the release from custody of non-violent, non-serious offenders from state prison, was arrested yet again following a broad daylight high-speed chase through Oxnard and Port Hueneme on May 16th.

Repeat offender Donald Reyes found his way back into custody.
Reyes, with more than a dozen prior convictions over the previous twenty years for assault, drug possession, and weapons possession, was sought on an outstanding warrant by the Oxnard Police Department Special Enforcement Unit. While driving through Oxnard city streets, Reyes ignored a patrol unit’s attempt to conduct a traffic stop upon his vehicle and instead accelerated at a high rate of speed southbound on Channel Islands Boulevard. According to Oxnard Media Relations officer Rocky Marquez, “pursuit was initiated with additional units called for backup” as Reyes’s vehicle hit speeds in excess of 70 mph through busy intersections. “He was driving in obvious disregard for public safety,” Marquez noted in his media report.
With the usual mid-day traffic in the southern Oxnard area highly congested, Reyes was forced to slow at the intersection of Channel Islands Boulevard and Ventura Road, whereupon pursuing police units cut his path off, resulting in an officer-involved crash. Oxnard Police K-9 units arrived on scene and, according to Marquez “a canine extraction effort was successful.”
Reyes was transported to Oxnard’s St. John’s Regional Medical Center (police dogs actually bite) and was subsequently booked into Ventura County Jail on multiple charges, including Felony Evading of a Police Officer, where he is held without bail.
Read More:
edhat: Vehicle Pursuit