Man robs Vallejo bank with "demand note"
Vallejo police are searching for a man who robbed a Vallejo bank with a “demand note.”

The Bank Of The West is targeted by the Vallejo bank robber
According to the Vallejo Times Herald, police said a man entered the Bank of the West in the 300 block of Sacramento Street in downtown Vallejo at about 9 a.m. on Thursday. The man showed a teller at a window a note that demanded she give him money. After realizing that she was being held up, the teller gave the man an undisclosed amount of cash, Sgt. Herman Robinson said.
The suspect was described as a black man in his 50s, with a thin build, and approximately 5 feet 10 inches in height. He was reportedly wearing a head rag on his head and a heavy blue wind breaker jacket, Robinson said. No other information was provided as of Thursday.
Police are continuing to investigate information related to this incident.
Read More:
Times-Herald: Man using ‘demand note’ robs Vallejo bank