9 Murdered in 51 Hours in Stockton
STOCKTON – An especially violent weekend resulted in the murder of nine people in Stockton. The first killing occurred in a McDonalds parking lot during the daytime while witnessing customers were present.

Colin McGrattan
Then, four other murders occurred Saturday through Monday. Police believe some of them were possibly gang-related.
Finally, the toll rose in infamous and ironic fashion in a triple murder-suicide. Police believe that 45-year-old Colin McGrattan, a Stockton marriage counselor who had been going through a contentious divorce, killed his 57-year-old wife Jackie and her 64-year-old sister Kathleen Arata. They say that he then drove to a senior home and killed Chizuko Kenishi, the 88-year-old aunt of the women, before killing himself at the senior home as well.
Inside the van that McGattan drove to the senior home police discovered Jackie Arata’s body.

Jackie Arata and Kathleen Arata
After this especially bloody weekend, there have now been 59 homicides in Stockton in 2012. There were 58 homicides for all of 2011.
Read More:
Fox News: Man Suspected in Triple Murder, Suicide was Involved in Contentious Divorce
USAToday: Bloody 2 Days Sets Killing Record in Stockton
CBS13: Stockton Police Reveal Identities of 4 Killed in Murder-Suicide
Stockton Record: Stockton’s 52nd Homicide is Brazen Daytime Shooting