Elderly Woman Robbed at Home by Police Impersonator
REDDING – Early Sunday morning police were called to a home on the 600 block of Overhill Drive concerning a reported burglary. 82-year-old Elizabeth Leach told the police that she was awakened by a white male subject inside her home, shining a flashlight.

The suspect identified himself as a police officer and purported that he was investigating a neighborhood crime. He told her to go to her bathroom and remain there.
Leach locked herself in her bathroom for nearly two hours. She heard the suspect during this time rummaging through her effects and moving around inside of her home.
Upon coming out of her bathroom, Leach discovered that her silver 2003 Toyota Avalon was missing, as well as personal property. The car was located the next day in the 900 block of West Street.
The suspect was described as a white male adult, 5-8, 180 pounds wearing a black t-shirt.
Redding PD states – “This case is under investigation and anyone with information is asked to call the Redding Police Department Investigations Division (225-4214) or Shasta County Secret Witness (243-2319). A reward of up to $5000 is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the suspect in this case.”
Read More:
Redding Record Spotlight: Man Forces Redding Woman to Stay in Bathroom While He Robs Her Home
KRCR: Police Imposter Burglarizes Elderly Redding Woman’s Home
Elderly Woman Robbed at Home by Police Impersonator was last modified: January 14th, 2019 by