Gang Member Arrested After Firing Five Rounds at Fresno Police
FRESNO – A gang member with an extensive violent past fired at Fresno detectives multiple times and led police on a chase through a Fresno neighborhood on Wednesday afternoon before finally being arrested.

Anthony Carrera
The incident happened around 4:30 p.m. Two detectives with the street violence unit were driving down Ventura Street, approaching Third Street, when they saw 21-year-old Anthony Carrera and three other men.
The detective who recognized Carrera, a member of the Bond Street Bulldog Gang, had assisted in his arrest in the past and had served multiple search warrants on him.
“The suspect has an extensive violent history and is known to carry firearms,” said Police Chief Jerry Dyer. “The detectives made the decision to keep an eye on the four individuals, including Carrera.”
The detectives were in plain clothes and driving in an unmarked car, but they were wearing their badges that identified them as police officers, Dyer said.
“As the officers were attempting to get out of the vehicle, it was at that time when Anthony Carrera did pull a firearm out, pointed it back toward both the officers and fired two or three rounds,” Dyer said.
The detectives got out of the vehicle and returned fire at the suspect as he began to run away on Third Street.
“Anthony Carrera, at that time, turned back toward the officers and continued to fire two more rounds at the detectives, and at some point the detectives gave chase, one of them in a car and one of them on foot,” Dyer said.
Carrera ran into the backyard of a residence that authorities later learned belonged to his ex-girlfriend. He was unable to get into the locked house and one of the detectives caught up to him.
“He confronted him and, at that point, Carrera again raised the gun and pointed the gun at our detective,” Dyer said.
Carrera then ran into the front yard, where he was surrounded by officers and arrested. A search of the backyard revealed a revolver with all five of its rounds expended.
Read More:
Fresno Bee: Gang member Emptied His Gun Shooting at Fresno Officers
KSEE: Suspect ID’d in Southeast Officer involved Shooting