Grand Theft Felony—Cashiers in L.A.
HAWTHORNE, CA—If the popular Grand Theft Auto video game series expanded its franchise to appeal to accountants, would the name of the game be “Cashiers in L.A.”?

Looking down the business corridor of 13600 Hawthorne Boulevard
Were the game to be expanded to include real-life felons embezzling funds rather than gunning down grannies, running down transients and stealing cop cars to rob banks, perhaps Rito Elmer Mateos would be on one of the game’s stars for his recent activities.
The 19-year old cash register employee was picked up by Hawthorne police on Sunday, November 17 at approximately 5:45 p.m. along the 13600 block of Hawthorne Boulevard. The nearly 6′-tall, 150-lb. Hispanic male was popped for “Grand Theft/Money laundering” and “Embezzlement.”
One wonders how someone who dives in headfirst gets hired so young, but then again, bail was set at a relatively paltry $40,000 so perhaps it was just a bit of skimming that happened to be allowed to get past the $1,000 mark so as to make this possibly small-time criminal get the big-ticket crime tag.