An adult male was recently arrested for felony charges related to pointing a laser light at a police aircraft, according to an official press release by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department.
Justin James Nesbitt, 20, was reportedly arrested this Monday, December 9, for felony charges and is being held at the Main Jail on $75,000 bail.
According to Sac Sheriff, Nesbitt was approached by officers in the backyard of his residence on Mira Del Rio after pointing a green laser light at a police aircraft. The aircraft pilot was reportedly able to guide patrol deputies to Nesbitt’s location, where they arrested him without incident.

Birds Eye View – the view of Nesbitt’s home from the aircraft, where the laser was coming from. The American River parkway is seen at the top of the photo. (Google Maps)
The aircraft pilot and its passengers were reportedly not injured during this incident. However, Sac Sheriff says the outcome of such an incident could have been devastation for not only the pilot by the safety of others as the laser could have created a distraction, temporary blindness and/or eye damage to the pilot.
Read More:
CBS Sacramento: Man Arrested For Aiming Laser Pointer At Sacramento Police Helicopter