The Chase Bank on Business Center Drive in the Green Valley Crossing Shopping Center near Cordelia southwest of Fairfield was held up by an outlaw working solo on April 10.
The outlaw, later described by witnesses as a “skinny Asian male,” approached a teller at the bank about 5 pm and presented a note indicating he was armed with a gun. Witnesses further described the robber as wearing a button-down white shirt, white hat and large sunglasses. The teller acknowledged the note by providing the robber with cash the amount of which authorities have yet to divulge.
The bandit got away in a vintage green Chevy Silverado pickup. Witnesses told Fairfield police the pickup truck moved too fast for them to accurately observe its license plate number. Chase Bank employees did note that the bank robber wore no gloves during his encounter with the bank teller who had handed over the Chase cash. While handing over his compelling note, the robber, bank employees told police, touched the counter between him and the Chase teller with his bare hands.
After Fairfield Police criminalists later arrived on the crime scene, they discovered the skinny Asian robber had left no identifiable fingerprints. However, police told The Fairfield Daily Republic, the investigators took swabs from the Chase Bank countertop in the hope that they recovered sufficient DNA material that may be positively identified. If, that is, the robber has his DNA on file in any of several national DNA databases due to previous criminal activity.
The Daily Republic: Lone bandit robs Fairfield bank