INGLEWOOD, CA — Was it preemptive poetic justice for those whom he might have injured or killed had he not been stopped by police?
Kenneth L. Bell, 50, was stopped by Inglewood Police Department (IPD) on Sunday, April 20 at approximately 12:30 a.m. at the corner of Kelso Street and Myrtle in Inglewood.
It may have been a coincidence that he was stopped mere minutes after midnight on annual day of marijuana appreciation, 420, but police did not state if any other drugs than an blood-alcohol level (BAL) exceeding 0.08 percent was why he was arrested.
National Weed Day is apparently the unofficial name of the day, according to many sources such as JEMM (Journal for the Education of Medical Marijuana).
The Inglewood resident, who lives on Yukon near the incident, was charged with only a DUI Alcohol offense. Bail was set at $15,000.
It was not known if his “papa” was on hand to bail him out.