DUI Suspect Nabbed After High-Speed Pursuit and Unusual Escape Attempt

Vacaville police arrested the DUI suspect after he attempted to escape capture by ditching his car and hailing a taxicab.
About midnight October 14, a Vacaville police officer spotted a vehicle blow through a stop sign at high speed on Vanden Road. When the officer attempted a traffic stop, the driver, later identified as Samuel Brock, 44 of Vallejo, fled at an even faster rate of speed.
Brock eventually drove his vehicle up on the sidewalk near the corner of Vanden Road and Newcastle Drive before coming to an abrupt stop. He jumped out of his vehicle and fled on foot into a residential neighborhood. Officers set up a perimeter and started searching. They contacted a taxi leaving the area and caught Brock in the back seat.
Arrested for DUI and evading police, Brock was lodged in Solano County Jail.