LINCOLN—An elementary and middle school in Lincoln were on lockdown Tuesday, November 18 for approximately 30 minutes after a Granite Bay man fled from authorities.
A Placer County Sheriff’s deputy tried to pull over Justin Matthew Roe, 21, who was driving 70 mph in a 40 mph zone near Twelve Bridges Road and Joiner Parkway. However, Roe ran from his car, jumped a fence and ran onto the school grounds of nearby Twelve Bridges Elementary School.
The deputy immediately called for a lockdown of the school and the nearby Twelve Bridges Middle School, according to the Placer County Sheriff’s Office.
The California Highway Patrol and the Rocklin and Lincoln police departments joined in the search for Roe. A CHP helicopter crew spotted Roe about half an hour later, and officers took him into custody at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Gatehouse Lane in Lincoln. He was not armed, but had taken off his pants and was wearing just shorts and a sweatshirt, deputies said.

This was not Roe’s first problem with a vehicle. This picture from Facebook was a Honda he lost in a head on collision. It was originally a gift from his parents.
Roe was booked at Placer County Jail on charges of resisting arrest. He violated the terms of his probation for burglary and a probation hold was placed on him, investigators said. Bail has been set at $27,500.
According to Roe’s Facebook page, he was on a four year long probation was ending on January 2012. His Facebook history shows he has been in some trouble, but was trying to move forward with his life. A recent post reads “When i look back at my life and where I was a few years ago and where I am now gives me one of the best feelings in the world cause just 3 years ago I was on probation getting arrested every time I turned around and it got to the point where i stopped believing i could ever be successful and that just made me not care anymore to try and i started excepting i wasn’t good for anything and all my future holds for me is failure and being in and out of jail and prison all my life! and now I look at what my life is today and how much Ive changed from then to now and it feels so amazing I finally see a good future ahead in life. So never give up there’s a purpose for everyone life! Don’t ever forget that!!”