Burglary suspects to face sentencing for string of residential burglaries

Milpitas – 22-year-old Eric James Visperas was arrested for Burglary by the Milpitas Police department on October 7, in which several people entered a home in an attempt to steal personal belongings of the homeowner.
Visperas has been charged with PC 664-459, attempted burglary, PC 182 (A) (1), conspiracy to commit a crime, and PC 496(A), receiving stolen property. Two other suspects were also arrested who were with Visperas during the attempted burglary, 23-year-old Israel Raul Navarro Jr , and 22-year-old Lashayn Deandrea Locksey.
On Tuesday, October 7 the Milpitas 9-1-1 dispatch center received an emergency call from a female victim reporting that several unknown assailants were knocking on her door and ringing the doorbell. She watched a Hispanic and Black male in their twenties try to enter the side property, but quickly retreated when they saw her looking at them. The homeowner was able to give a description of the suspects.
The Milpitas Police Department had been receiving several emergency calls from residents in the area reporting daytime burglaries, during which someone would knock on the door before trying to break in.
After locating the suspect vehicle, the MPD officer made a stop and asked Visperas for his driver’s license. However he told the officer he did not have one, and gave the officer his brother’s name. After getting permission to search his person, the officer found a bag containing costume jewelry in his front pocket. When asked if his car could be searched, he agreed.
The officer located a credit card that was not in the name of Visperas. When asked about it, Visperas said that a girl had been riding with him in the car. But this could not be verified. Then Vispears said, “We didn’t get into any house.”
Without asking about the possible burglary it was apparent that Visperas was the suspect who was intent on entering the home after verifying that there were no occupants. An “infield show-up” was used to help identify Visperas as one of the people seen at the home knocking on the door.
Visperas later admitted to going to the house in order to break in, but Navarro and Locksey denied having any knowledge that Visperas intended to break in. However, all three were booked into Santa Clara County Main Jail for attempted residential burglary and conspiracy to commit burglary.
Further investigation revealed that there were also other burglaries in San Jose that were reported later on in the evening after homeowners returned after work, that had apparently been committed by the three suspects. Personal items left in their car by the suspects were located, and then identified by the homeowner as being theirs.
The next court date has been scheduled for February 9, 2015 at 9:00 AM in Dept 34 for sentencing.