Homeless Man Who Allegedly Bit Fairfield Woman Faces Charges of Domestic Violence

The man whom Fairfield police were informed had bit a woman’s wrist now faces felony charges.
Braden Alexander Harrison, 36, is going to be arraigned on February 18th in Solano County Superior Court. At a February 2nd hearing Solano County Judge Peter Foor ruled Harrision must be held to answer for the January 10th assault as well as another related event.
Fairfield Police Officer Ryan Burger testified at the preliminary hearing in Judge Foor’s courtroom on Monday that, on January 10th, he had occasion to speak with a woman being treated at NorthBay Medical Center in Fairfield regarding bites Harrison had allegedly inflicted on her. She told Burger she had walked to the hospital after first trying to ride her bicycle there. She was forced to dismount and walk because of the extreme pain she was in, according to the officer’s testimony. She had tried to leave Harrison as the two sheltered in the parking lot of a church near Peach Tree Drive.
Burger said he saw broken skin on her wrist.
This woman also told Burger that Harrison had, several days prior to the biting incident, kicked her several times in her abdomen. Burger testified he learned the woman was a part-time transient; she lived with her mother in Fairfield the rest of the time. In the pre-biting incident, the woman told Burger she was minding her own business, just taking out the garbage at the mother’s house. At that time, Harrison “sneaked up on her,” according to a Fairfield Daily Republic report. Harrison grabbed her hair from behind, dragged her some distance and, at that point, started the kicking.
Records show that Harrison had been arrested by police in Concord, in the East Bay Area, for disorderly conduct – loitering or prowling on private property – at 12:30 am the day after Christmas. Prior to that, on October 27, he was arrested for burglary by Fairfield police at an apartment building on North Texas across from Walmart.