Strong armed robbery, domestic violence arrest for Chowchilla repeat offender

An arrest has been made by the Chowchilla Police Department for a repeat offender last Thursday, July 2.
According to an official media report released by the Madera County Department of Corrections, Jeffery Lee Lawson, 40, was picked up on charges of strong arm robbery, threatening to commit a crime with intent to terrorize, domestic battery on a non-co-habitating former relation, damaging a wireless communications device, and battery with serious bodily injury. He was booked at 6:46 early Thursday morning. Details of the incident and the victim’s identity were not made public to protect the privacy of the person or people attacked. The combination of charges paints a picture of the suspect showing up at an ex-wife or former girlfriend’s home, threatening and attacking her, and taking and damaging her phone to prevent her from calling for help.
Lawson’s previous records of arrests, going back to 2005, show mostly drug related offenses. In 2010 he was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and parole violations. In 2013 he was charged with possessing drug paraphernalia. In February and June of 2014 records show that Chowchilla Police arrested him on outstanding bench warrants at his home in Chowchilla, which is in the southwest part of town near the Cathedral of Faith Church.
Then on August 5 he was arrested at an apartment in the Chowchilla Terrace Apartments on charges for possession of a controlled substance and assault with a deadly weapon.
For these latest charges, his bail was set at $245,000 while he remains incarcerated at the Madera County Jail. The booking log lists him as unemployed.