Eight arrests made after Trump supporters attacked in San Jose

Robert Trillo and Antonio Fernandez
UPDATE: Four juvenile protesters at Trump rally who had attacked others were arrested this week, in what the San Jose Police have detailed as the right to freedom of assembly in which the right or ability of people to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue, and defend their ideas.
The San Jose Chief of Police, Eddie Garcia strongly condemned the attack by saying, “What happened last night was disgraceful.” Garcia went on to say, “We are not an ‘occupying force’ and cannot reflect the chaotic tactics of the protesters.”
After the Trump rally on Thursday, June 2, 2016, follow up investigations into the attacks led to the arrest of four juvenile and four adult suspects.
According to the Officer Albert Morales with the San Jose Police Department, “The first juvenile suspect was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.” The victim was seen in video wearing a yellow polo shirt, when a 16-year-old juvenile suspect came up behind and struck the victim from behind with a blunt object causing minor injuries.
A second juvenile 17-year-old suspect was also arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. The juvenile suspect was seen chasing a Trump supporter wearing a red shirt, when he was chased by the suspect and then tackled to the ground. During the attack, a third 16-year-old juvenile suspect assaulted the same victim when he was tackled to the ground. The juvenile suspect has been charged with battery.
A fourth 16-year-old juvenile suspect has also been arrested for three separate incidents that occurred at the rally. The suspect was seen committing battery on a victim while attacking a second person yelling gang slurs at the victim. The same suspect was also seen vandalizing private property. The suspect has been charged with three separate crimes involving battery, battery with gang enhancement and vandalism.
Four other suspects were also arrested. 19-year-old Ahmed Abdirahman, 18-year-old Robert Trillo, 19-year-old Antonio Fernandez, and 19-year-old Michael Kitaigorodsky.
Kitaigorodsky was arrested for failing to disperse during the protest, while the three others were charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Morales said, “San Jose Police investigators are still continuing with follow-up investigations and ask for the public’s continued assistance.”