Homeowner Surveillance Video IDs Suspected Auto Burglars

Roland Bautista and Jacob Rodriguez
SANTA BARBARA COUNTY — Just because an individual is no longer residing in a county jail or state prison and is enjoying a modicum of freedom pursuant to terms of parole or probation, that doesn’t imply a lack of law enforcement “interest” in the daily comings-and-goings of that person.
Evidence of that is apparent in the July 23rd surveillance conducted upon 32-year-old Santa Maria resident Roland Bautista, when, according to Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department Public Information Officer Kelly Hoover, he was observed driving a vehicle in the company of another Santa Maria resident, 40-year-old Jacob Rodriguez.
Undoubtedly curious as to “known probationer” Bautista’s activities, SBSD deputies conducted a routine traffic stop of his car.
While Bautista and Rodriguez were engaged in conversation with deputies at the scene, “stolen property, methamphetamine, and methamphetamine paraphernalia” were discovered in the car and “a syringe loaded with heroin” was found in Rodriguez’s backpack.
Deputies at the scene—undoubtedly having keen memories about such things—“recognized Bautista and Rodriguez” from a private surveillance video recording dating back to May 28th clearly depicting the two men in the course of a window-smashing auto burglary.
Pursuant to that identification and “as a result of the evidence recovered,” probation searches of the residences of both men were called for later the same day, during which “additional stolen property was recovered.”
Bautista and Rodriguez were transported to Santa Barbara County Jail, where they were book on charges of burglary, possession of stolen property, conspiracy to commit burglary, and possession of methamphetamine and methamphetamine paraphernalia.
Photos: Courtesy Santa Barbara County Jail Booking