L. A. Regional Human Trafficking Task Force Battles Cyber-Sex Trade, Captures 3 Predators

Dorian Foster and Brandon Monroe.
Recently via a phone conversation, Captain Merrill Ladenheim, Human Trafficking Bureau of the L.A. Regional Human Trafficking Task Force, spoke with CrimeVoice on the recent arrests of L.A. resident Dorian Foster (27), Brandon Monroe (20) of Long Beach, and David Mortley (30) of Gardena, as well as human trafficking and the efforts to combat it.
Regarding state-level prosecution, Captain Ladenheim said, “Prop 35 (since 2012) gave CA a much more robust, stronger, prosecutorial hammer,” adding, “sentencing is looked at and controlled by the judge. (In this case) charges include 266I PC with a $50,000 bail — pandering (recruitment). The state’s length of incarceration of 3-6 years in prison is based on charges and priors.”
The luring of predators has gone from the sidewalk to the cyber-arena.
The perpetrators’ usual targets are “12-14 year-olds – a very vulnerable population,” Ladenheim said. “Children are willing to do riskier things – due to immaturity and lack of judgment.”
California harbors three of the FBI’s 13 highest child sex-trafficking areas in the nation: Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego.
Ladenheim continued, “It’s no longer arcades and McDonald’s playroom bathrooms, but the privacy of home, on Internet and public sites. It’s incredible to know what’s going on with what and who is online. Follow and be aware of your child’s chat, photos, who they’re sharing and meeting with. Know and engage in open dialogue with your child to stem this terrible crime.”
You can report crime to LA Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8447. Victims of Human Trafficking can call the Hotline: 1-888-539-2373. You can also make an anonymous report at 1-800-WETIP.