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MONTEREY COUNTY — The District Attorney’s Office announced yesterday, June 20th, that 46-year-old Matthew Cesar Martinez of San Luis Obispo will spend four years in state prison for violating the terms of his probation.
It all began on October 6th, 2015, when a drunken Martinez was told by a waitress at King City restaurant that the establishment was cutting him off. Martinez promptly threw a “large stereo” at her, hitting her in the back and leaving bruising.
Martinez also reportedly threatened to come back later and shoot her.
When an officer arrived, Martinez proclaimed he had no qualms about killing a cop and threatened to behead him with a machete. The DA’s Office reports in a press release that he also threatened the same to a nurse who treated him at the jail, as well as a probation officer.
Martinez was put on felony probation, yet failed to report to the Probation Department as required. He has also been convicted of a misdemeanor out of Los Angeles County.