Yolo County man convicted for possession of child pornography

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WOODLAND // On August 24th, 2017, 33-year-old Quin Martin was found guilty of possessing child pornography and possession of more than 600 pornographic images, which the Yolo County DA notes in a press release may increase the penalty.
The Yolo County Sheriff’s office began an investigation after a tip from the Contra Costa DA’s Office “regarding a person downloading child pornography in Yolo County.
The DA’s Office oversaw the collection of computers and other devices, which DA Investigator John Sadlowski analyzed over the course of six months.
Over 29,000 images were found.
Quin is due to be sentenced on October 6th of this year and faces up to 5 years in prison.
Yolo County man convicted for possession of child pornography was last modified: August 29th, 2017 by