Ukiah man arrested after assaulting juvenile girlfriend

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UKIAH // On September 17th just after 1 AM, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputies arrived on the 100 block of Laws Avenue after receiving word of a domestic dispute.
At the scene, deputies learned that the daughter — not identified by name and reported to be 17 years old — had been physically assaulted by 20-year-old Anthony Amante at the County Fair and Apple Show earlier that evening.
Deputies learned that Amante and the girl were in a relationship and had gotten into an argument, during which he grabbed her by the neck.
Amante, who lived next door, was spoken to and arrested for “felony domestic violence and battery.” He is housed at the Mendocino County Jail on $25,000 bond.
Ukiah man arrested after assaulting juvenile girlfriend was last modified: September 22nd, 2017 by