Guerneville man arrested for bringing methamphetamine to court

Photo: Stock image (Source unknown)
GUERNEVILLE // A local man has been arrested for bringing drugs to his scheduled court appearance on the morning of January 10th.
At around 8:45 AM, court security screeners found a folded up piece of paper in a cigarette package containing a white, powdery substance when searching the belongings of 61-year-old Michael Knowles.
Sheriff’s Deputies were notified of the discovery, which was later determined to be approximately 5 grams of methamphetamine. When Knowles was questioned, deputies were also able to determine that he had been drinking alcohol prior to his arrival.
While Knowles denied any knowledge of the meth, a further examination of its wrapping revealed it to be a CVS receipt — with Knowles’ name on it.
He was promptly arrested and booked for possession of methamphetamine, as well as violation of his probation. He is housed at the Sonoma County Jail.