Hollister PD seeks sexual assault suspect, calls on public for help

Photos: Surveillance images of suspect (Courtesy of Hollister PD)
HOLLISTER // Police are seeking a sexual assault suspect who allegedly attacked a woman at around 4 AM on October 27, 2017.
In late 2017, the victim checked herself into Hazel Hawkins Hospital, reporting that she had been sexually assaulted in downtown Hollister at an unknown date and time. Detectives assigned to the case combed through surveillance footage throughout the city and were eventually able to isolate the date and time of the incident, as well as discovering footage pertinent to the woman’s allegations.
The suspect is described as a Caucasian male with a short crew-cut style haircut, approximately 38 years old, and possibly from Texas. He can be seen in the surveillance photos wearing a Golden State Warriors jersey and a “boonie” style military hat.
As the investigation continues, anyone who feels they have information relevant to the investigation is strongly encouraged to contact Detective Bo Leland of Hollister PD at 831-638-4115. Those who prefer to remain anonymous also have the option of calling WeTip at 800-78-CRIME.