Mother, Father, and Son Arrested for Animal Cruelty and Illegal Gambling

Photo: Scene of where fighting occurred
When deputies surprised spectators at a rooster fighting event on 02/04/2018, the crowd dispersed, ignoring commands to stop. An anonymous call led deputies to the location of the illegal event, a house located on the 21000 block on Ave 245 in Lindsay. In the rush of people attempting to run away, 17 suspects were detained.
Of the 17 detained suspects, 14 received citations for their audience participation of the cruel event. Five of them received additional charges for resisting arrest. The three remaining suspects are Victor Espinoza, 46, Ofelia Espinoza, 45, and Victor Espinoza, Jr, 22, residents of the home.
Investigators found extensive evidence of the illegal activity including gambling receipts, fight cards, sharp gaffs (type of spear), admission bracelets, $1195 in cash, and the fighting ring. Of the 31 roosters on the property, 25 were rescued while 6 were deceased.
The three ringleaders are facing animal cruelty charges and several related charges including fighting birds and possessing implements for fighting birds and illegal gambling.
Photo from the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page