Large-scale animal cruelty investigation leads to ghastly discovery in Humboldt County

ABOVE: Raymond Frank Christie booking photo (Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department)
HUMBOLDT COUNTY // A local rancher has been arrested following a five-month, multi-agency investigation into large-scale animal cruelty complaints that led to the discovery of numerous violations and the filing of multiple charges.
On Monday, March 19th, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office secured search warrants for four Humboldt County properties associated with Raymond Frank Christie. Several agencies joined the investigation, including the Humboldt County DA’s Office, US Department of Agriculture, US Bureau of Land Management, and several others.
As they served the warrants, authorities discovered some 250-300 deceased cows in various states of decomposition, many of which Christie had gathered into 10-foot high piles, some near an excavator and others in or near waterways.
A large number of malnourished animals were also found in small or insufficient corrals.
As the investigation continues to unfold, arrangements are being made to care for the surviving animals.
Christie has been arrested on multiple animal cruelty charges, as well as disposal of a carcass within 150 feet of a state waterway, and is housed at the Humboldt County Correctional Facility on $25,000 bail.