Attempted Murder Charges for Stabbing and Slashing at Dollar General Parking Lot

Photo: Cedar and Santa Ana Avenue
BLOOMINGTON – A man became territorial with gruesome results on April 7th, in the Dollar General Parking lot on the Cedar Avenue/Santa Ana Avenue block.
Max Ramirez (47) of Bloomington was seen harassing a man and woman who were attempting to leave the Dollar General Store at approximately 8:00 PM. An unnamed victim and his friend observed the incident, and told Ramirez to leave the people alone.
SBSD – Fontana Sheriff’s Department announced yesterday, “As the victim and his friend walked towards their vehicle, Ramirez came up to them and asked for change. When they said no, Ramirez became aggressive, claiming this was his neighborhood. The victim’s friend told Ramirez to leave them alone, but Ramirez refused to leave. The victim exited his vehicle, and as the victim and Ramirez argued, Ramirez attacked him. Ramirez repeatedly stabbed and slashed the victim with a knife.”
The victim, suffering wounds on his neck, chest, arms, and hands, was treated at a local hospital and released. All parties have requested to remain confidential.
Police booked Ramirez into the West Valley Detention Center for PC 664/187, Attempted Murder.
Deputy M. Izquierdo requests anyone witnessing the incident or having additional information to please contact the Fontana Sheriff’s Station, 909-356-6767. To remain anonymous, call We-Tip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME (27463) or via the We-Tip website at