Felony Domestic Violence Charges Filed Against 49er’s Linebacker 24-year-old Reuben Foster

SANTA CLARA COUNTY – Yet another domestic violence report from the world of football came with the news that 49ers linebacker Reuben Foster attacked his live-in girlfriend in his Los Gatos home. The case stems from a reported incident that occurred on February 11. The 28-year-old victim flagged down a driver near Foster’s home in Los Gatos. She reported to the driver that she was hit multiple times in the head by the suspect before being thrown out from the residence.
According to the District Attorney’s Office, “Foster, 24, physically attacked the 28-year-old woman during a February argument at their Los Gatos home, leaving her bruised and with a ruptured ear-drum.”
Foster is facing three felony charges of domestic violence with an allegation that he inflicted great bodily injury, forcefully attempting to prevent a victim from reporting a crime, and possession of an assault weapon. The weapon reported was a Sig Sauer 516, including a large capacity magazine. The gun is banned in the State of California making it a felony to own the firearm.
Prosecutor Kevin Smith with the Domestic Violence Unit said, “Our focus is on holding accountable those who hurt their intimate partners.” The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office reports handling up to five-thousand domestic violence cases each year. Smith said, “We only hope that this case illuminates the tragic regularity of the rest.”
Foster has been scheduled for arraignment at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 12 in Department 44 of the Hall of Justice in San Jose.