Two Armed Juveniles in Joshua Tree Cause Officer-Involved Shooting

JOSHUA TREE – An officer-involved shooting took place when a residence was shot at by two armed juveniles.
SBSD immediately responded to a shots-fired call Wednesday near 10:30 PM at the 6200 block of Sunburst Avenue, Joshua Tree.
As a Morongo Station Deputy talked to the reporting party, additional shots were fired at them, striking the trailer.
The Deputy and resident ran for cover behind the residence and called for assistance. Additional deputies quickly arrived to cover the nearby area and locate the active shooters.
As the shots continued, the officer told Dispatch that shots were getting louder, indicating the suspects closing on on his location.
Then the suspects shot at the hand-held spotlight used to illuminate the suspects’ position.
SBSD reported, “Additional deputies located a suspect armed with a long rifle advancing toward the trailer, getting closer to the deputy and the reporting party.”
Subsequently, Deputies ordered the suspect to drop the gun. He refused.
As a result, a deputy-involved shooting took place. Then the two suspects fled on foot away from the area. A foot pursuit resulted in suspect apprehension at a nearby apartment complex. His backpack contained a high-powered .177 barrel break pellet rifle.
The second suspect ran into an apartment and arrested short time later. Deputies located a second backpack with rifle pellets in it. No injuries to suspects or deputies resulted during the incident.
The two male juvenile suspects, (aged 15, 17) of Joshua Tree, face assault with a deadly weapon charges at Juvenile Hall.
Investigators from the Specialized Investigations Division are conducting the investigation.
Anyone with information related to this investigation can contact the Specialized Investigations Division-Homicide Detail, Detective Arturo Alvarado at (909)387-3589. To remain anonymous, contact We-Tip at (800)78-CRIME or