Aggressive Panhandler Arrested for Assault During Probation Search

HEMET – The Facebook community posted their experiences and relief when Patrick Bradley (54), an aggressive panhandler, was arrested yesterday during a probation search.
Members of the Restoring Our Community Strategy (R.O.C.S) Team arrived near noon on the 1600 block of W. Florida Ave. A compliance check was conducted at his motel residence to ensure Bradley’s adherence to his probation’s terms.
Tear gas and narcotics paraphernalia were found at the motel. Bradley was arrested for assault on a police officer. Also added to the arrest list was possession of narcotics paraphernalia, being a felon in possession of teargas, and being under the influence of a controlled substance.
“Mr. Bradley is a very well-known and aggressive panhandler from the Palm Springs area,” said the Hemet PD. “Over the last couple of months, the City of Hemet Police Department has received numerous complaints about Mr. Bradley cursing at people who refuse to give him money and even reports that he had blocked their vehicles in parking stalls with his scooter.”
A warning was issued: “Mr. Bradley uses several different stories in an attempt to persuade people to give him money such as he’s homeless or that he is a disabled veteran. Neither of these stories are true and the Hemet Police Department would like to discourage our residents from giving him money. Mr. Bradley has a history of violence and makes his living by duping people into feeling sorry for him.”
Facebook reacted in relief and fright about the local, well-known panhandler who’s been aggressive during his endeavors. They reported his watching, then bothering, ATM users at Altura Credit Union. He knocked on a truck door, causing the patron to pull out her phone for help. One poster reported several encounters with him there.
Additionally, Bradley waited at a car, then became aggressive about no money/help offered to him. Another incident included security officers escorting him away when he loudly and aggressively approached several different patrons on his scooter at Chili’s restaurant.
Another post stated, “He threatened to hit me with his Arizona tea can. Awful man.” Later, at Lowe’s, a poster added, “Do not believe him when he says he a veteran, ask for his DD214, he will give you a sad story, that he was just released from the VA, his wife left him and he doesn’t have a copy.”
A post noted being chased very aggressively in a Rancho Mirage parking lot.
Hemet PD concluded, “Today’s arrest marks the third criminal case our ROCS Team has filed on Mr. Bradley in the last two weeks. We will continue to aggressively enforce the law to protect our citizens. If you have any negative contact with him in the future please contact our department at 951-765-2400.”
Bail is set at $10,000.00