Alcohol Sales to Minors Operation Nets Two with Warrants, One with a Loaded Gun

FONTANA – A “Shoulder Tap Decoy Operation” by California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Agents and Fontana Police was conducted Jan. 31st. Adults who knowingly purchase alcohol for minors were targeted.
Multiple subjects were contacted at two locations. Minor decoys, each directly supervised by a peace officer, stood outside liquor and convenience stores.
The decoy indicated being under age, and asked a patron to buy alcohol.
“If the adults agree to purchase alcohol for the minor, officers and agents then arrest and cite them for furnishing alcohol to a minor,” said Fontana PD. “The penalty for furnishing alcohol to a minor is a minimum $1,000 fine and 24 hours of community service.”
Three suspects were arrested. Two had furnished alcoholic beverages to the minors.
Additionally, two of the suspects had warrants for their arrest. A loaded handgun resulted in the arrest of the third subject.
The Undercover Operation to Reduce Alcohol Sales to Minors program is intended to reduce the availability of alcohol, criminal conduct, and reduce the rate of drunk-driving crashes. The program is funded by a grant from the ABC through the department’s Alcohol Policing Partnership
The American Medical Association reports, “Underage drinking can increase the chances of risky sexual behavior and teen pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, compromise health, and result in unintentional injury or death.”