Motorcyclist evades officers for 24 miles, Taser and K-9 finally stop him

Photo: Manjinder Singh Johal
SUTTER COUNTY – A recklessly driven motorcycle was noticed by Sutter County Sheriff’s Department deputies shortly after 8pm on the evening of Tuesday June 4th.
The driver of the motorcycle apparently decided to make an escape attempt and took off. For 24 miles he succeeded in evading officers.
Near Sanborn Road and La Rabyn Way the motorcycle collided with an officer’s vehicle.
Still, the driver wouldn’t give up, until a Taser and a K-9 persuaded him otherwise.
Manjinder Singh Johal was arrested on charges of evading, driving over 100 m.p.h. on the freeway and obstruction. He was was later released from custody on bail.
Motorcyclist evades officers for 24 miles, Taser and K-9 finally stop him was last modified: June 12th, 2019 by