Off-duty Modesto police officer arrested after altercation with girlfriend

RIVERBANK — On off-duty Modesto Police Department officer was arrested last Wednesday after an alleged physical altercation with his estranged girlfriend in Riverbank.
At around 11 PM on August 7th, the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office, which provides police services for the city of Riverbank, arrested 51-year-old David Ramirez on suspicion of domestic violence.
As a result, the Modesto Police Department began an internal investigation, placing Ramirez on administrative leave in the meantime.
According to the Sheriff’s Office, Ramirez is a 22-year veteran and currently works as a detective in the Property Crimes unit.
Off-duty Modesto police officer arrested after altercation with girlfriend was last modified: August 16th, 2019 by
altercation, arrest, domestic violence, investigation, modesto, officer, riverbank, Stanislaus