Smashing Banana pudding in Girlfriend’s Face earns Young Dro Brief sentence

Photo: D’Juan Montrel Hart
40 year old American rapper, Young Dro was recently sentenced to jail time after smashing a plate of banana pudding in his girlfriend’s face.
Dro, whose real name is D’Juan Montrel Hart, recently pled guilty to one count of battery/family violence. Although he was sentenced to a one-year incarceration, Hart will only have to serve 70 days.
The incident occurred in July when Hart punched his girlfriend and smashed a plate of banana pudding in her face. He then got a knife and tore up some living room furniture.
In a turn of events, the girlfriend did not want to press charges, however Hart was still occurred after the incident.
Shed no tears for Hart, however. His jail term is down to 70 days, but he also has received credit for 20 days already served. In addition, he will get a day of credit for each day he exhibits good behavior in jail.
All things being equal, Hart could be out by October 5th.
Should that early release occur, “Dro” will stay on probation for the entire year and be required to take drug and alcohol evaluation tests. Also, he must take domestic violence counseling and not drink alcohol or take drugs during his probation.