Child porn suspect offered to dress up as ‘My Little Pony’ at birthday parties

ORANGEVALE – 33-year-old Daniel Wayne Benner once worked as a janitor at a local preschool. He also tried a gig dressing up in a My Little Pony costume for children’s birthday parties, offering up this service on Facebook.
In addition, the suspect allegedly traded in child pornography under his Kik name of “hornylonely2005.”
On October 19th Benner was arrested by the FBI, for the distribution of child pornography. He was put on a federal hold with no bail offered.
The investigation began in Little Rock, Arkansas, when another person who was distributing child pornography had communication with a undercover agent, during which time child pornography was sent over the phone.
Agents seized the phone, which in turn led them to hornylonely2005.
On the 19th agents came to Benner’s home, and he admitted there would be images on his phone.
Further investigation brought out Brenner’s assertion that he worked at the school during after-hours, and had no sexual contact with children.
However, in 2006 he was convicted for oral copulation with someone under 18 years of age. For that conviction Benner served a six-month sentence and five years of probation. The conviction was dismissed in 2012.