Felony robbery suspect arrested after being caught on surveillance camera

PHOTOS: San Joaquin County Sheriff
STOCKTON — A man is in custody for felony robbery and assault with a firearm after being caught on camera allegedly shoving his gun in someone’s face and robbing them in broad daylight.
On Friday, October 18, a man and woman were parked at Waterloo and Filbert when the suspect — later identified as 26-year-old Marcos Solorzano — robbed them of around $280 at gunpoint.
Follow-up investigation quickly led deputies to Solorzano. The gun used in the robbery was also found at his home.
He is now in custody on numerous felony charges, including robbery and assault with a firearm.
Felony robbery suspect arrested after being caught on surveillance camera was last modified: October 28th, 2019 by
San Joaquin