Sonora PD issues press release on recent felony evasion arrest

From the official Sonora Police Department Facebook page:
“Devon Hensley, 19, of Columbia, led law enforcement on a pursuit Thursday night, but he was ultimately captured at the summit of Yankee Hill Road when he ditched his motorcycle and hid on top of a 20-foot A-frame house.
A Sonora Police Department Sergeant attempted to stop the motorcycle for reckless driving on Sanguinetti Rd. at 10:10 p.m. He followed the suspect into the Crossroads Shopping Center and attempted to conduct a traffic stop on it. The motorcycle failed to yield and a pursuit started going through Sonora and to the 49er RV Ranch on Italian Bar Road in Columbia.
When the suspect headed back toward downtown Columbia, cutting through some of the old buildings and sidewalks, the Sergeant lost sight of him for a few moments.
The motorcycle was then located by a Tuolumne County Sheriff’s deputy, and the pursuit continued onto Yankee Hill Rd. where the motorcycle temporarily got away.
At 10:32 p.m. a call was issued to the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Office dispatch by a resident of Mountain Boy Rd, The caller believed an ATV pulled onto her property and someone had cut the engine off.
Hensley was soon located on top of a nearby vacant house by TCSO deputies. After an approximately 30-minute negotiation to get him down he was arrested.
Hensley’s charges include felony evading a peace officer with reckless driving and misdemeanor charges of possession of drug paraphernalia, evading while driving on the wrong side of the road, driving without a license and two misdemeanor warrants. He was booked at the Tuolumne County Jail.
Hensley admitted to being the driver in an ongoing California Highway Patrol hit and run investigation of a motorcycle collision on Nov. 19 where one woman was injured.”