District Attorney Files Felony Embezzlement Against Former Yolo County Office of Education Employee

A woman allegedly stole from Yolo County for years before being charged two days after Christmas –
“Woodland – On December 27, 2019, Woodland resident, 32-year-old Lori Perez, was charged in Yolo County Superior Court with one felony count of Embezzlement.
Ms. Perez had been employed by the Yolo County Office of Education (“YCOE”) since 2005. In October of 2018, YCOE learned of the potential embezzlement spanning the course of several years.
Woodland Police Department, with the cooperation of the Yolo County Office of Education, conducted an investigation.
During the course of the investigation, it was discovered that a YCOE credit card had been used to make unauthorized personal purchases and that mileage claims had been falsified.
The verified loss, dating back to 2014, was over $23,000.
Perez is scheduled to be arraigned in Department 1 of the Yolo County Superior Court on February 6, 2020. She is no longer employed by the Office of Education.”