Sonoma County masseuse cited after allegedly soliciting undercover detective

A Penngrove masseuse has been cited on suspicion of prostitution after allegedly offering to perform a sexual act on an undercover detective for money.
As part of an investigation specifically focused on potential human trafficking, an undercover detective entered the Green Rose Therapy business to receive a massage. The masseuse, 61-year-old Tonga Ball, escorted the detective to a room and, after the massage began, solicited the act.
At that point additional detectives entered the business and detained Ball, who said she was acting of her own free will and not part of any human trafficking business. Police say no other employees or clients were there at the time.
She was ultimately cited and released for solicitation for prostitution.
Nonetheless, a Sonoma County Code Enforcement agent reportedly found numerous code violations designating the establishment as dangerous. As such, the tenant spaces can no longer be occupied until the violations are corrected.