K-9 Unit on Patrol Arrests Probationer for Burglary, Drugs and Stolen Gun

Photo: when was seized
SAN RAFAEL— A man with eight prior arrests and convictions for illicit drugs was arrested on April 12 by a K-9 unit on patrol. The probationer was booked on burglary, drugs and weapons charges and he is ineligible for release on bond.
At 6:15 p.m., an officer spotted a vehicle displaying a rear license plate that did not belong to that vehicle. The officer immediately conducted a traffic stop on Bellam Boulevard, near Marin Square Shopping Center.
The man pulled over admitted to placing the license plate on his vehicle to make its registration appear current. A probation search was initiated soon thereafter, using the police dog to search for suspected drugs.
The dog alerted the officer to the presence of narcotics. The officer located a small quantity of suspected heroin and drug paraphernalia, but that’s not all. A handgun reported stolen, ammunition, burglary tools and a lock picking kit were also recovered.
Upon further investigation, the officer located stolen identification cards. In addition, a small bat was found on the front seat, apparently for use as a weapon.
The driver confessed to stealing the gun and other items during a burglary in Mill Valley. Michael A. Garcia, 27 of Novato, was arrested and booked into Marin County Jail, where he remains in custody.
Mill Valley PD was contacted about the burglary, while San Rafael and Novato officers were dispatched to search Garcia’s home. During this search, another firearm and additional stolen property were recovered.
Garcia presently faces open charges, including being an addict in possession of a firearm. His other charges include possession of—narcotics, drug paraphernalia, stolen property and burglary tools