Two men Arrested for Catalytic Converter Thievery – Released at the Scene

Photo: stolen converters
FREMONT — Two men were arrested on suspicion of catalytic converter thievery and illegal drug possession. However, they were immediately released with citations to appear in court, despite having a history of arrests for thefts.
Witnesses reported seeing “several” individuals break into a fenced area of a business at 3:10 a.m. on June 20. They proceeded to steal from cars and trucks parked on the property located on the 41000 block of Albrae Street.
Responding officers located and detained Esteban C. Gil, 33 of Oakland, and Tuan Hoang, 37 of Fremont. These two were found in possession of recently cut catalytic converters, illicit drugs, and other stolen property. No other suspects were located.
Catalytic converters contain precious metals used in exhaust systems, which fetch upwards of $100 from recyclers and scrap yards. Oftentimes, one person serves as a lookout while others saw off the catalytic converters.
One of the suspects, Gil happens to be on probation for a prior conviction. He was cited for felony possession of stolen property, misdemeanor theft, and various misdemeanor drug charges.
Incidentally, Gil has several prior arrests for vehicle thefts, possession of controlled substances, and other offenses.
Likewise, Hoang was arrested for petty theft and illegal drugs. Hoang was also cited and released at the scene. His previous arrests involved receiving stolen property and drug possession, and he also has prior convictions.