Infant Ripped from the Arms of Family Member During Home-Invasion Robbery

PARAMOUNT – Major Crimes Bureau – Metro Detail Detectives immediately responded to a July 1st
reported home-invasion robbery, resulting in the abduction of a 7-month-old baby boy.
The baby’s mother informed Detectives that her ex-boyfriend/biological father of the child had been recently arrested for domestic violence, but released on a Bond.
“Suspect Gianni Winters came to her residence and forced his way inside by kicking the door open,” said Deputy James Nagao. “Once inside the residence, Suspect Winters forcibly grabbed the baby from a family member who was holding him.”
He was quickly put in the rear seat of the suspect’s vehicle, “unsecured by any type of car seat or
restraint device, and sped off – away from the residence,” said Deputy Nagao. “As the family member
went back inside the residence, they noticed money and jewelry missing that had been apparently stolen by Suspect Winters during the encounter.”
Due to the suspect’s reported violent actions along with his recent and past criminal history, “Lakewood station deputies and MCB Metro Detail detectives determined the baby was possibly in serious physical danger,” said Deputy Nagao. Gathered information led them to the 1200 block of Heritage Spring Drive in Santa Fe Springs.
“Believing the baby was inside the apartment, detectives forcibly entered the residence where the
suspect was found to be hiding. Suspect Winters was taken into custody. and the baby was safely
recovered,” announced Deputy Nagao.
Santa Fe Springs Fire Department paramedics examined the baby boy at the scene, found him to be
uninjured, and reunited him with his mother.
Suspect Winters was arrested for several felony charges. The LASD Major Crimes Bureau (MCB)
announced the arrest of Gianni Winters – for Home Invasion Robbery, Burglary, Child Abduction and
Child Endangerment – and their safe recovery of a 7-month-old child.
Winters is being held on $150,000 Bail. At the upcoming July 6th Compton Superior Court date, if
convicted as charged, the felonious father will be facing significant time in state prison.
The MCB Metro Detail works closely in support of all Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Station’s detective
bureaus, as well as other Southern California local and federal law enforcement agencies.