Washington man arrested after allegedly stalking, threatening family members in California

Originally published 6-8-20
by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office:
“On 7/6/2020 around 9:47 AM the Patrol Division of the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) received a report, from a 58 year old female who lives in Redwood Valley area, that she had been receiving threatening messages from a family member.
This family member was believed to be living as a transient in the Vancouver Washington area.
The female victim indicated she and other members of her family, including a 27 year old female and 15 month old child living in the Fortuna (Humboldt County) California area, all had a domestic violence restraining order prohibiting the suspect, Casey Woida, 29 years of age, from having any contact with them.
The victim indicated the threats came via text messages and phone messages at her business, starting on the 24th of June. The messages were repeated and included numerous death threats. Due to the suspect’s past violent outbursts the victim expressed great concern for her and her families safety.
On 7/7/2020 the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Detective Unit was assigned to assist with this case. The victim then related the female family member, living in Humboldt County, was also receiving death threats from the suspect. These threats included he was enroute to California to follow through with the death threats towards this young woman and the 15 month old child.
Both family members indicated the suspect also threatened persons, with harm, at their places of employment. The investigator was then able to get an exigency track on the suspect’s phone, which showed he did appear to be travelling south bound through the state of Oregon. A vehicle description was obtained and a warrant, requesting charges against Woida with a felony county of stalking, making terrorist threats, and violation of a domestic violence protective order was written. The investigators were then able to contact the 27 year old female in Humboldt County to warn her the suspect might be in her area.
They also confirmed that she had also received threats from the suspect. The woman was encouraged to report these threats to the Fortuna Police Department immediately, which she did. MCSO made contact with both Fortuna Police Department and the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) to make them aware of the pending warrant for Woida’s arrest and that he might be enroute to that County after making threats of violence against the woman and child.
Around 6:25 PM the 27 year old female, living in Humboldt County, contacted HCSO and advised the suspect just sent her a message that he was at her place of employment looking for her. Around 6:45 PM the female called HCSO again advising the suspect sent a message that he was at the Bayshore Mall in the City of Eureka. Around 6:50 PM the warrant, authored by MCSO was authorized by a Mendocino County Superior Court Judge.
A HCSO Deputy responded to the Bayshore Mall and spotted the suspect parked in the parking lot. As the deputy approached the suspect drove his vehicle, turning south bound on Highway 101, failing to stop as required at the intersection. The deputy attempted to stop the vehicle which fled south bound on Highway 101, reaching top speeds of 80 miles per hour.
The suspect called 911 during the pursuit where he made threats that HCSO would “have to kill him”. The pursuit lasted approximately 15 minutes, covering approximately 20 miles, when the suspect pulled over and surrendered without further incident. He was arrested in Humboldt County for open counts of felony vehicle evasion and violating the domestic violence restraining order as well as the arrest warrant secured by MCSO. His bail on the warrant was set at $100,000.
The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and the Fortuna Police Department for their coordinated effort in making this arrest and avoiding any further violence being committed.”