Report: Border Patrol Agents Stop Meth Smuggling Attempt at Checkpoint

Photo: U.S. Customs & Border Protection
Originally published 8-4-20
by U.S. Customs & Border Protection:
“SALTON CITY, Calif. – El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents working at the Highway 86 immigration checkpoint arrested two individuals suspected of smuggling narcotics this morning.
The incident occurred at approximately 4:20 p.m., when a man driving a white 2006 Chrysler 300 and his female passenger approached the checkpoint. A Border Patrol K-9 detection team alerted to the driver’s side of the vehicle in the primary inspection lane. Agents directed the vehicle to enter the secondary inspection area for further investigation.
While in secondary inspection, Border Patrol agents asked the driver and passenger to exit the vehicle. Agents performed safety pat-downs on both of occupants to search for anything that could be used as a weapon. During these pat-downs, agents discovered a plastic wrapped package hidden in between driver’s legs. The package contents were tested with a narcotics test kit, which yielded a positive result for the characteristics of methamphetamine. Agents also discovered syringes and a glass pipe used for smoking meth hidden in the brassiere of the other occupant.
The total weight of the methamphetamine discovered was approximately two pounds with an estimated value of $4,500.
The 41-year-old male driver and 28-year-old female passenger, both United States citizens, the narcotics and vehicle were turned over to Drug Enforcement Agency.”