Domestic violence suspect briefly flees from responding officers

Just after midnight on August 21 someone called 911 at the Red Bluff Police Department and hung up.
The call came from the Valley Ridge Apartments, and so officers were dispatched to investigate.
There had been other incidents of domestic violence surrounding 30-year-old James Johnson at Valley Ridge.
Officers spotted Johnson’s red Honda leaving the apartments as they arrived. Although they tried to stop it, the Honda’s driver fled.
The Honda went through stop signs and a red traffic light, going 70-80 mph.
Eventually the chase ended at a dead end road. Johnson, the driver of the Honda, then got out and ran a bit.
Aft6er entering an occupied residence, “With the assistance of the Tehama County Sheriff Department, and the California Highway Patrol, Johnson was located and arrested. The residents were not harmed by Johnson and he was not known to the occupants.”
Officers then found a firearm in the road that they belive belongs to Johnson.
Domestic violence suspect briefly flees from responding officers was last modified: September 1st, 2020 by