Susanville Police: Drugs, loaded gun found after pulling over stolen car

Photos: Susanville Police Department
A Susanville man has been arrested after being pulled over in an allegedly stolen car.
Police stopped 38-year-old Joshua Paul Doyle in the parking lot of the Diamond Mountain Casino on Skyline Drive and, after running the plates, discovered that the vehicle he was driving had been reported stolen.
Officers later searched the car and found approximately 5 ounces of meth, a little over $3,000 in cash, and a loaded .38 caliber handgun.
Doyle was arrested at the scene and booked on numerous charges including suspicion of vehicle theft, possession of a controlled substance, being a felon in possession of a loaded firearm, and possession of stolen property.
He remains in custody at the Lassen County Jail on $100,000 bond.
Susanville Police: Drugs, loaded gun found after pulling over stolen car was last modified: October 5th, 2020 by