Credit Card Fraud Case Leads to Arrest for Possession of Bomb Making Materials

Photo: Joshua Isrigg
Back in April of 2020, Detectives of the Porterville Police Department took over a credit card fraud case. Detectives assumed the case after it was alleged the suspect, 32-year old Joshua Isgrigg, was buying illegal firearms and making references to the apocalypse and mass shootings such as the one that occurred in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2017.
Several search warrants were executed but illegal firearms were not found in Isgrigg’s vehicle or residence. However, detectives did find material used to manufacture a large-scale bomb.
Among the materials were ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, and citric acid. Besides the possession of these substances being a precursor to manufacturing a large-scale weapon, such as the one used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, evidence supporting Isgrigg was using the material to make a bomb was discovered.
Isgrigg was arrested on June 3, 2020. He faces charges of identity theft, inflicting injury on an elderly adult, permitting elder or dependent adult abuse, and possession of destructive device materials. He is being held at Tulare County Sheriff’s South County Detention Facility without bail.
Photo from the Porterville Police Department