Vehicle Pursuit, Hit and Run, DUI and Weapon Possession Charges

Photo: Yulissa Palomares and Emilio Lucas Pantoja
Originally posted as a Salinas Police Department Facebook post –
“On 1-16-2021 at 10:15 pm, officers on patrol in the area of Harden Parkway and N. Main St. observed a 2020 Dodge Charger driven by Yulissa Palomares (21) drive past at a high rate of speed.
The officer attempted to make a traffic stop on the vehicle which immediately accelerated and stuck a vehicle as it continued to travel northbound. The vehicle continued to evade police until it became disabled at San Juan Grade Rd.
A high risk stop was conducted, and the rear passenger later identified as Joel Hernandez (24) tossed a small bindle of cocaine out the window.
A 9mm ‘ghost” gun was found under the front passenger seat where Emilio Lucas Pantoja (22) had been seated. In addition, Palomares was found to be driving under the influence. All three were taken into custody.
Palomares was transported to county jail facing driving under the influence, hit and run, evading and allowing weapon in vehicle charges. Pantoja was booked on several weapon related charges. Hernandez was cited and released for possession of a controlled substance.”
Vehicle Pursuit, Hit and Run, DUI and Weapon Possession Charges was last modified: January 5th, 2023 by