Transient distributor of child pornography arrested in his car

Photo: David Maloof
Originally published as a Monterey County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post –
“The Monterey County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Division is part of the Silicon Valley Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
This means we receive tips about persons who are distributing and possessing child pornography online. The Sheriff’s Office investigated one of these tips and found that David Maloof, 53, from Big Sur was involved in the possession of child pornography.
Upon looking into Maloof further we found that we had a slight problem, he was currently transient and living out of his vehicle.
Detectives contacted Big Sur resident Deputy Jesse Villasenor. Jesse reached out to his friends that he works with at the California Highway Patrol, California State Parks Rangers, and his counterpart at San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Office.
In what seemed like no time at all, State Parks Rangers called Jesse and told them they had located Maloof parked in front of the Big Sur Post Office.
Detectives responded to Big Sur, a search warrant was served on Maloof’s vehicle and he was found to be in possession of child pornography.
Maloof was brought back to the Sheriff’s Office Investigations Division where he was interviewed and then booked into the Monterey County Jail on a possession of child pornography charge.”
Transient distributor of child pornography arrested in his car was last modified: January 5th, 2023 by
child pornography